Tuesday 1 April 2014

Student life is typically all about the late night clubbing, excessive drinking, all nighters to finish essays, spending all your student finance and cramming desperately for final exams. We all miss home though, whether it be our own comfortable beds, parent's cooking or just the cat, home is where the heart lies. I have made this blog to document the efforts of myself and at times my lovely flat mates in homemaking aspects of our student lives. I am not going to limit the topics to any particular field, and if any of my readers ever want to request I make something then just give me a shout in the comments. Feel free to venture over to my other blog, "Oddbins" which deals with home-done nail art, saving £££££'s on nail designs that are simply to create yourself. So if you feel your life could do with some experimentation in the kitchen or bathroom (I don't mean that in a sexual way at all) or some arts and craft all of which are really good de-stressers  then please stay tuned!

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