Tuesday 15 July 2014

Costume - Hobbit Feet

For the Frodo Baggins costume in my previous blog I made a rather comfy pair of Hobbit feet. They cost me about £8 and took about 2 hours to make. Here is how I made them -

What you need

-novelty plastic feet
-simple canvas shoes (e.g. Primark)
-hot glue gun
-skin tone paint
-stage makeup - foundation and powder
-brown eye shadow pallet
-brown hair or stuffing material
-nail varnish optional

Step 1
Cut off the base of the novelty feet, not all the base just enough to stop it catching when you are walking

Step 2
Staple the novelty feet to the canvas shoes, this is to temporarily hold the feet in place while you heat up the glue gun and apply the melted glue

Step 3
Once the glue has fully dried and bonded the shoe and feet you can go about painting the hobbit feet to match your skin tone. I used cheap acrylic paint from the shop Tiger.

Step 4
Once the paint has dried you can apply the stage makeup foundation and powder to make the feet better resemble skin tone and texture

Step 5 
This is the optional part, I felt the nails looked too plastic so I painted them with some skin tone nail varnish and added the lighter semi-circle and tip with a thin brush dipped in a drop of skin tone nail varnish mixed with a little white.

Step 6
To add some definition to the feet, such as dirty around the nails, shadows around the veins etc. I brushed on some brown eye shadow around these areas

Step 7
Grab a handful of fake fur or brown soft toy stuffing or just anything hair like you can find around your home and lightly glue this to the top of the feet.

Voila! We have a pair of comfy hobbit feet for whichever hobbit you wish to be!

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